
Carsten Höller

Turn, Fly, Fall, Fly

February 14 – March 29, 2025

“Reason has left us, and we tumble around in a delirious state. Doubt is beautiful, says Höller, but delirium becomes pathological. Höller’s works in Turn, Fly, Fall, Fly both create and treat delirious conditions of the mind, and if I know Höller well, creating a cause and annihilating it simultaneously is exactly what he is after”, says Baldo Hauser.

Pill Clock (Red and White Pills) (2015) has an aperture in the ceiling emitting a pill composed of a red and white part into a growing pile, every three seconds. This is the time roughly perceived as the “present”. You may take one if you want.


The video One Minute of Doubt (1999) shows the artist driving a Mercedes labelled The Laboratory of Doubt / Het Laboratorium van den Twijfel / Le Laboratoire du Doute in circles in an Antwerp intersection. Equipped with a microphone and two loudspeakers on the roof, the white station wagon is a vehicle to spread doubts, designed to make public announcements about the artist’s various uncertainties. However, as he doesn’t know what to say, no sounds are emitted.


In Fly On Amanita (2025), a housefly feeds on a fly agaric mushroom-milk-sugar mixture, gets intoxicated for a while, recovers, gets on its feet again, and takes off.


Spinning Amanita (2025) is a naturalistic, life-sized replica of a fly agaric mushroom made in painted metal. It spins around it’s own axis, driven by a solar-powered motor attached underneath. The sculpture can be installed in a garden or brought into the forest with the motor hidden in the soil, as if the mushroom has grown there naturally.


